Byelaw Men's Field
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The allotments in winter - click for full size image

Welcome to the Bylawmen's Field Allotments website.

Sheds & Meeting Room - click for full size image

Byelawmensfield Allotments, Green Lane, Leeds 15, were originally given by a local landowner to be used by his farm bailiffs who were called ‘byelawmen’ possibly 80 years ago. They were taken over by Leeds City Council in 1947 and in 1988 became a self-managed site although still owned by the council to whom rent is paid. The original purpose of the site is no longer relevant because membership embraces male, female, young and old. We have a vibrant allotment community of 50 people which includes young families and grandchildren who will be the next generation of allotment gardeners enjoying locally organically grown food which has a minimal carbon footprint.

Bees - click for full size image
Sheds - click for full size image

Rainwater Harvesting Project

Our site is prone to flooding and in 2008 some members dug large soakaways and installed drainage pipes to alleviate the problem. We have site buildings which includes a fertiliser and sundries store, a building for members to keep their tools in, a meeting room and rest room The rainwater runs off these buildings and contributes to the flooding in times of heavy rain often resulting in the loss of valuable crops. We installed three large rainwater butts, in 2009 to capture the rainwater before it ran onto the land and to reduce our costs by reducing our reliance on mains water. This has proved to be highly successful and we believe that to conserve water and reduce our reliance on mains water is a worthwhile venture so in 2010 we installed two more large rainwater butts to capture the rainwater from two remaining buildings.

We are grateful to Leeds Community Foundation for financial help for this project through its grassroots grants.

For information about water butts visit:

water butts - click for full size image
digging soakaways - click for full size image

Bee Keeping Project.

The well-documented concerns about the decline of bees promoted us to consider placing three hives on our site. In order to place hives we have obtained permission from the Council, confirmed that we are covered by our third party insurance and made contact with the local bee keeping association. An agreement at our April 2008 Annual General Meeting, from members that we go ahead. Two members completed bee-keeping courses and the first bees arrived on site on the 31st May 2009 when a swarm colonised an empty hive. Two weeks later we established two nucleus colonies provided by Leeds Beekeeping Association. See our Spring and Summer Newsletter for an update on our bee project.

See our Summer 2010 Newsletter for more information about our bee project


Bee Project - click for full size image

Clearing up the site.

Link to /264

On Saturday 14th June we had all hands on deck for a day clearing up the site.Photographs from the day can be seen here.


Welcome to the Bylawmen's Field Allotments website.

The allotments in winter - click for full size image